June - September 2024

Personal Portfolio

this website

Built this website from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Logo designed by me as well, up there^. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Focused on building networking, vision, teamwork, and collaborative skills as well.

June - August 2024



A simple to-do list app made with Kotlin. It allows you to add, delete, and edit tasks. The app features a user-friendly interface. This project helped me enhance my Kotlin skills and understand the intricacies of Android app development.

Oct 2023

Vechain x EasyA Hackathon

Harvard University

Harvard's biggest blockchain hackathon. The VeChain x EasyA hackathon, held right on Harvard's campus, attracted developers from all across the US (including one team from flying in all the way from the UK) to compete for $46,000 in prize money.

Oct 2020

Murdoch University

Dubai Hackathon Challenge

The inaugural Murdoch University Dubai Hackathon Challenge which took place from October 28 until 31 with 178 participants across 42 teams from 15 of UAE's best schools, proved to be a big success.